Phison e12 vs sm2262. These are breakthrough … Old PCIe 4.

Phison e12 vs sm2262 原文来自张大妈大佬:点击浏览 固件分享点击领取:9bt8 可用于所有群联PS5012-E12方案的SSD升级(包括C2000和C2000Pro,联想SL710,贼船M510等等),Windows下下载完解压后直接使用即可,更新完毕需要关机( 注一定注意:是关机!!!不是重启!!! The Silicon Power P34A80 is the representative from the wide field of products that combine Toshiba's 64L TLC with the Phison E12 controller. Тем более, к тому моменту уже кончатся запасы старых контроллеров высокого уровня, типа Phison E12/E12S или Silicon Motion SM2262, что сильно изменит расклад 4K讀取在壓縮模式(0Fill)下可看到Phison E12主控的強項,幾乎是其它 對手的一倍快以上,SMI系列主控也比970 Pro/EVO Plus快,無壓縮環境 下,SM2262EN、SM2262及SM2263XT都贏過970 Pro,不解的是WD SN700 或SN750的4K讀取效能不管在那個環境都挺弱的。 They had to drop the price on the Pro to compete with the Phison E12-based drives. Trong lúc SSD đang giảm giá tụt đáy quần như hiện tại, thị trường xuất hiện tràn lan các chủng loại ổ cứng từ đắt, rẻ tới siêu rẻ, chất lượng thì The A1000 features Toshiba's latest 64-layer 3D TLC NAND flash memory and Phison's second-generation PS5008-E8 NVMe SSD controller. The active idle power consumption and the deepest laptop idle power states are best in class, but Silicon Motion's SM2262 文章浏览阅读3. 该主控采用台积电28nm工艺制造,支持八个NAND闪存 SSDs equipped with the Phison E12 and comparable have already seen a rash of changes. We've already detailed the Silicon Motion, Inc. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion 21 votes, 235 comments. 2 NVMe PCI-E SSD 480-512GB выполнена на основании данных полученных мной на тестах и обзорах твердотельных накопителей на канале 2obzora. And a great review, too, Billy. SLC (Tek seviyeli Adata’s combination of Micron's 64-Layer flash and Silicon Motion’s SM2262 controller scored a home run in the SX8200 and GAMMIX S11 SSDs that were among the best high-performance NVMe SSDs of The Sabrent, Silicon Power, and Pioneer drives are likely the same hardware - Phison E12 with TLC. The SM2262EN takes things a bit further, and Intel's Optane SSDs now lead by only a factor of 6 or so. Phison tends to have more because they're used with a lot of different hardware (e. The warranty is solid but we regularly saw 640TB TBW for SM2262/EN drives at 1TB (e. It is the same as the Sabrent Rocket 4. ESP32 is a series of low cost, low power system on a chip microcontrollers with integrated Wi-Fi and dual-mode Bluetooth. Phison's first generation NVMe controller—the PS5007-E7— hit the retail market with I think SM2267 drives will be able to compete very well against Phison E12(S) drives if the prices end up being reasonable. The EVO Plus is very fast but quite expensive. Obviously to the E12S, laterally to the SM2262(EN), and also to the RTS5762 (4TB MP34). 0 x4 controller, the Phison E12 supports Pyrite, AES256 and TCG OPAL hardware encryption. Диск — хороший, jd — плохой :) +1 本人是一位电脑数码爱好者,又是一个喜欢各种极限测试、折腾电脑硬件的人,于2019年12月19日在天猫购买了海康威视c2000pro 1tb版固态硬盘,作为系统盘、应用程序盘、游戏盘使用。 两年来,因为本人各种暴力测试和折 Phison PS5007-E7 與 SMI SM2260 控制器,基本上是目前台系控制器的兩大指標,主要都是 PCIe 3. We had learned of SMI’ 2262EN controller in past tech Also remember when it comes to the cores and R5 vs. So, again, on paper the E12 drives belong more in the "Prosumer & Consumer" camp and compete more with the 970 EVO. 5$, subj на amazon 42$. September/October here November here Post for the Tier A (Upper High-end) SSDs The Tier A High End NVMe SSDs are using SMI SM2264 and Phison E18 controllers to deliver faster speeds. I believe Phison has tried clocking B27B faster on this too but there are limits. 9 MB/s. ADATA SX8200 and other Team Group - Cardea II (Phison E12), Cardea Liquid (Phison E12), MP34 (Phison E12) Transcend - SSD 220S (SMI SM2262EN) Western Digital - Black SN750 (WD Proprietary) Mushkin - Pilot (SMI SM2262) Sabrent - The Team Group MP34 is also our first E12 drive to arrive with the latest 12. 0, Corsair MP600, Silicon Power UD70 and other Phison E16 + 96L Micron/Kioxia TLC SSDs. 3 standard Phison's second-generation high-end E12 controller still hasn't hit the shelves, so Silicon Motion has no serious competition for the SM2262. (к примеру, Phison E12/Е16 будут в любом случае оперировать лишь 24 ГБ кэша, This isn't cause for issue in of itself, since IMHO the SM2262 is the better controller (doesn't suffer from consistency issues), but the issue comes from the lack of communication on this. 2 drive in this batch. Addlink - S70 (Phison E12), X70 (Phison E12) Apacer - AS2280P4U (Phison E12), AS2280P4U Pro (Phison E12) Asgard - AN3 (SMI SM2262EN), AN3+ (Starblaze STAR1000P) Asura - Genesis Xtreme (Phison E12) Mushkin - Pilot (SMI SM2262), Alpha (Phison E12S) Pioneer - APS-SE20Q (Phison E12) Phison是最成功的SSD控制器设计师之一,在公开市场上出售控制器。Phison的控制器范围从用于USB闪存驱动器和存储卡的微型低功耗芯片到高端NVMe SSD控制器,最终都出现在诸如Kingston A1000和Patriot Hellfire之类的驱动器中。Phison E12是其最新的旗舰NVMe控制 The QD1 burst sequential write performance of the SM2262EN drives is much better than the earlier SM2262 drives, but the improvement isn't enough to beat the Phison E12-based Corsair MP510. Yeni It uses The Silicon Motion, Inc. If you're looking for everyday use, including gaming and light content creation, you're fine with a E12 or SM2262/EN drive, of which there are about two dozen to choose from. The E12 we tested today proved it runs with the Silicon Motion, Inc. Достаточно вспомнить Phison E13 и Silicon Motion SM2262 (в том числе, кстати, и ADATA Gammix S11/SX8200) четырехлетней давности, где Phison E12-----Corsair MP510: Phison E12-----Crucial P5: Micron in house-----HP EX920: Silicon Motion SM2262-----HP EX950: Silicon Motion SM2262EN-----Inland Premium: Phison E12: NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH QLC SATA 慧荣推出了新的主控芯片SM2262,在标称的性能上比上一代的SM2260有了很大的进步。很多厂家也相继推出了使用SM2262主控的固态硬盘产品,例如Intel的760P、威刚 The drives use a standard Phison E12 reference design layout with DDR3 for the 250GB and 500GB models and DDR4 for the 1TB and 2TB models. The result is a drive that aims for the high end and actually makes it this time. It has two main components - A flash controller an Phison E12 power management is better than SM2262 Click to expand Where did you source your Sabrent from that has the E12 controller? And it's the E12 and not E12s? It should come this week so I will report Looking at review samples it's using a Phison E12 (w/DRAM) and FB12808UCN1-42 flash: 128GiB packages, 8-bit flash. The premium NVMe SSD market is poised to heat up again. «Простой» AS2280P4 бывает и на Phison E12/E13/E15, и на Silicon Motion SM2263XT, и на MAP1202, и на Innogrit IG5216. ) Sabrent's SSDs are rebadged OEM drives using the Phison E12 controller (or Phison E16 for the PCIe 4. These are breakthrough Old PCIe 4. 群联电子宣布,旗下旗舰级SSD主控芯片PS5012-E12已经投入生产,并且有20多款相关SSD正在开发之中。. SSD or Solid State Drive is a storage device containing non-volatile flash memory, used in place of hard drive because of its much greater speed. Almost all SM2262/EN drives have 64L IMFT TLC (exception being the KC2000/KC2500 with BiCS, which has its own firmware). The SM2262 drives (represented in this review by the HP EX920) are now being phased out in favor of the upgraded SM2262EN controller, which we previewed last year. Silicon Power P34A80 HP EX950 Ürün Görseli Kontrolcü Phison E12 SMI SM2262EN NAND Yongaları 64L TLC Toshiba Bics3, 64L TLC Micron, 64L TLC Anasayfa. But Its design supports up to 8-NAND flash channels, but in contrast to the Phison E12 we just previewed last With all the power management features turned on, the Phison E12 can no longer match the SM2262 controller in the HP EX920 but it does provide an incremental improvement over most other Posted on 2018-08-04 00:08:37 by Thomas De Maesschalck So arguably this is a quad-core design and the I/O offloading is what enables the controller to get such high IOPs vs. 0 performance (like the S50 Lite). We don’t have The HP EX920 combined 64-layer Micron TLC with the SM2262 to offer excellent everyday performance. With this new firmware, Phison now clearly И тут как раз SM2267 окажется к месту. (or possibly the SM2267XT) In my opinion firmware updates generally aren't needed. Unlike a hard drive, a solid state drive doesnt have any moving parts. SM2262 drives in many tests. 3 high-performance controller has had much success in 2018 thanks to having sequential Read/Write performance up to 3200/1900 MB/s and 4K The power consumption of the SM2262EN is a bit higher than for the SM2262 drives, which makes it the most power-hungry M. 3固件. say, the dual-core SM2262/EN. As an adaption of Phison’s PS5012-E12 (Phison E12), the E12S retains top-notch Gen3-grade performance with savings in both power Mushkin - Pilot (SMI SM2262) Pioneer - APS-SE20Q (Phison E12) Plextor - M9P+ (Marvell 88SS1092) PNY - CS2130 (Phison E12S) Sabrent - Rocket Q (Phison E12S) Samsung - 950 Pro (Samsung UBX), 980* (Samsung Pablo) Silicon Power - UD70 (Phison E12S) Western Digital - Black 2018 (WD Proprietary) pokemonbyt Bảng xếp hạng SSD, bao gồm NVME và SATA, được cập nhật tới ngày 24-06-2023, mình lấy từ trang Linustechtips cho ace tham khảo khi lựa chọn ổ cứng. Yet you have drawbacks with redundant host processing and parallel but agnostic I/O. The Pro has had a firmware update (which did improve general performance) and also some changes to the controller (SM2262 -> SM2262EN) to allow for higher peak performance ADATA XPG SX8200 Pro NVMe 1TB (SMI SM2262EN) vs Inland Premium 1TB NVMe (Phison E12) I am stuck picking these 2 and both are on sale(the Inland is waiting for me at Microcenter). Check my spreadsheet. danbob999 - Wednesday, October 21, 2020 - link definitely not in large The SM2262 provided a surprising jump in random read performance, surpassing even MLC SSDs. the E7 even when comparing E7+MLC against E12+TLC Tier A: Samsung Phoenix, SMI SM2262EN, Phison E12 Tier AB: Samsung Polaris, WD Proprietary Tier B: SMI SM2262, Realtek RTS5762, Phison E12S Tier C: Realtek RTS5763DL, Phison E7, Phison E13T, SMI SM2263(XT) Tier D: Phison E8(T), Realtek RTS5760, SMI SM2260 Yonga seçimi. The ESP32 series employs either a Tensilica Xtensa LX6, Xtensa LX7 or a RiscV processor, and both dual-core Так, Smartbuy Stream E19T удалось обойти две старых, но всё ещё популярных PCIe 3. It does have improved LDPC, possibly why the E16 drives have an even higher TBW than the E12 ones (96L NAND can also help here but as we see with the 970 There is a mix of SM2262, newer SM2262EN, a lower-cost 4-channel model in the Intel SSD 660p and Crucial P1, both paired with 4-bit per cell memory. Generally, the SM2262/EN & E12 will be The MP510 adopts the new Phison E12 controller and Toshiba's 64-layer 3D TLC NAND. Notably there's power loss protection circuitry and 1GB of DRAM (D2516 = 256M16 = 512GBx2) as well - Seagate - BarraCuda 510 (Phison E12), FireCuda 510 (Phison E12) Silicon Power - P34A80 (Phison E12) SK Hynix - Gold P31 (SK Hynix Cepheus), Platinum P31 (SK Hynix Cepheus) The SM2262 controller hit the market with the Intel SSD 760p in January, and the SM2262EN is almost ready for release. The SSD tier list still says Phison, but is it based on the older reviews? Does anyone know for sure what is being sold now? Here are a couple references to the change. News. ADATA XPG SX8200 Pro But, it falls behind the OCZ RD400, WD Black, and HP EX920, which utilizes an SM2262 controller. Both drives utilized 64L TLC memory with the SMI paired It is my belief that it is a SMI issue. Micron, Samsung, Toshiba and partners have 96-layer 3D TLC memory in production with products soon to follow using the new NVMe 1. 0 x4 頻寬,支援 1z nm 製程以及 3D NAND Flash。 就 Phison PS5007-E7 Samsung may have held title for some time but latest offerings by Phison and SMI are destined to add to the fight. Put Quick post I wanted to do because a lot of people know I refer to the E12 (and now, E16) as quad-core in comparison to other products: WD's tri-core NVMe controller, Samsung's penta-core, SM2262 and SM2262EN is not the same controller, and SM2262EN has better performance while operating within its SLC cache. The SN550 is TLC but DRAM-less. DEGRADATION PHASE – The SSD is hit with random writes На ali нонейм phison e12 256ГБ 38. several types of flash - both TLC and QLC, both Toshiba and IMFT, etc). 2 firmware from Phison. Generalnie dyski na Phison E12 są lepsze od tych na SM2262 i The Team Group MP34's newer firmware brings a few percent improvement to the burst sequential read speed, but the Phison E12 drives are all still stuck below 2GB/s while Silicon Motion SM2262(EN Как может работать Silicon Motion SM2262, мы знаем давно — именно он используется в прошлогоднем Intel SSD 760p. The P1 is QLC-based. PNY added a black Most reviews are from 2019/early 2020 and say it used a Phison E12, however I've seen a few references that in late 2020 it was changed to a Silicon Motion SM2262EN. At the 240/256GB capacity point, it's a toss-up between the Phison E12-based MyDigitalSSD BPX Pro and the SM2262-based Mushkin Pilot (due to be replaced with the SM2262EN-based Pilot-E soon). The updated controller should hit the market in time to compete against Phison E12 SSDs and the first wave of drives with 96-layer 3D NAND. SM2262EN controller in a next-generation preview that also featured Phison's PS5012-E12. 1k次,点赞13次,收藏6次。先把板子清理干净,这板子海鲜市场卖13元一张,上面掉了很多原件。这板子4贴我只贴了2颗,贴4颗我的平板装不下。具体就是把 性能大幅提升:Phison 群联 正式发布 PS5012-E12 主控 作为SSD核心主控后起之秀,Phison(群联)为国产SSD做出了很大贡献,凭借高性价比和不错的性能表现抢占了不少一线巨头们市场。在今年的COMPU. Yongalar, verilerin depolandığı kısım(lar)dır. As previously mentioned, this is the first retail SSD to use the new Silicon Motion SM2262EN with an improved hardware data path over the previous generation SM2262 Addlink - S70 (Phison E12), X70 (Phison E12) Apacer - AS2280P4U (Phison E12), AS2280P4U Pro (Phison E12) Asgard - AN3 (SMI SM2262EN), AN3+ (Starblaze STAR1000P) HP- EX920 (SMI SM2262) NVMe SSD: Seviye S (En Üst Sınıf): Acer - GM7000 (InnoGrit IG5236); Adata - S70 (InnoGrit IG5236), XPG Sage (InnoGrit IG5236); Addlink - S95 (Phison E18) Asgard - AN4 (InnoGrit IG5236) Corsair - MP600 Pro (Phison E18), MP600 COPYRIGHT 2024 PHISON ELECTRONICS, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I only recently considered them The E16 controller is definitely a limiting factor on sequential performance. (That is, if you don't pay 50% more for the Gigabyte heatsink. 0-платформы, Phison E12 и SMI SM2262, которые представлены в тесте It's possible they may have something in the works based on the Phison E12 controller and Toshiba NAND or Silicon Motion SM2262(EN) and Micron NAND, but if they stick with Marvell for their high The Phison PS5012-E12 reference drive finished our file transfer test with an average speed of 1368. 0 drives (E16) right now. July/August here . (12nm, 3xR5 + 2xCoX) but was informed/corrected yesterday that Референсный SSD на базе нового контроллера Phison. Need some help picking between the 2. Whether or not it's limited to the SM2262(EN) remains to be seen (someone could test a 660p or A2000, I'm sure) but that's where the biggest impact lies due to the eight-channel nature of the design. 早前SMI慧荣发布的NVMe新主控2262产品,如今实物已经纷纷亮相,不过第三方厂商使用颗粒各有不同,我们很难窥探2262主控的真正实力。 今天ZOL评测室迎来慧荣SM2262主控样品固态硬盘,为了更进一步的了解此主控 Welcome to the SSD tier list. EX920), and the E12/E16 drives are far in 分享一下可用于海康C2000全系列的最新群联公版ECFM12. g. Sosyal. The Phison E12 is a very powerful So if we then look at the Phison designs, specifically the E12/E16, we can see that it's a dual-CPU (R5) So arguably this is a quad-core design and the I/O offloading is what enables the controller to get such high IOPs vs. 0 model How has the MP34's TBW stayed the same despite using multiple controllers/revisions (E12, E12S, SM2262/EN, RTS5762) and multiple architectures and generations of flash (64L, 96L, 128L, 176L, BiCS and FG In addition to bringing LDPC support to this second generation PCIe 3. Для сравнения SSD в таблице имеются все основные параметры: скорости The SM2262 drives hit their full sequential read at QD2, but the SM2262EN takes a bit longer to get up to its limit. The Phison E12 controller continues to have pretty good power management. -house controller as well as the ADATA SX8200 480GB drive 近年開始在不少的 SSD 產品都可以看到 Phison 的主控制器用於產品之上,當中包括高階的 Corsair SSD 產品,日前Phison 宣佈最新的控制器「PS5012-E12」已批量生產,「PS5012-E12」基於 TSMC 28nm 工藝,支援最 This is because Phison has co-processors ("CoXProcessor") to help offload work which explains the high potential IOPS for example. Silicon Motion SM2262EN SSD Controller Preview: Good And Bad Amplified . The ADATA is SM2262/EN-based. and it is a 3-year-old model with the original SMI The Silicon Power P34A80 delivers a substantial 21% improvement in QD1 burst random write performance, which the Phison E12 already held the record for. 3), технологии Dual CoXprocessor Phison E12/S12 drives: "I'm in danger!" Very well done, Hynix. This new revision has already been stocked by We can’t wait to see how the SM2262EN does against the Phison E12 SSD and, so let’s get to testing. The upcoming Phison E12 holds on to that spot for now, and the Samsung 970 Gaming. R8, E18 is also about efficiency. ADATA SX8200 - Silicon Motion SM2262, 3D TLC Microna, 512 MB DRAM -> podatny na zwalnianie po zapełnienu, choć najbardziej wersje 240GB. Representing the Phison E12 The MyDigitalSSD BPX Pro wasn't the first Phison E12-based SSD to hit record low prices for the 1TB and 2TB models. (SMI) SM2262 Gen3 x4 NVMe 1. 0 (четыре линии, поддержка NVMe 1. In reality, the hardware on the SX8200 Pro is effectively identical to that on the SX8200. Контроллер Phison E12 сочетает в себе два ядра с архитектурой ARM, интерфейс PCI Express 3. The E12 drives couple this with a modest 30GB, dynamic SLC cache, in stark contrast to the giant SLC caches of the competing SM2262/EN drives; this provides for a more consistent performance profile. 0 but yes, it is Tier A SSD, it doesn’t have PCIe 3. Original/first post from June-July is available here . SMI does not use a proprietary NVMe driver, so we’ll just pop the drive into our Intel Z370 I would generally advise against the 4. Another possible controller here is the MAP1202. However, some of these drives have been changed to the E19T for similar reason as the E21T swap. Phison PS5012-E12S (Phison E12S) is a market-proven NAND flash controller IC solution with maxed-out PCIe Gen3 SSD capabilities. The E12 doesn't win synthetics but strangely seems to hold up in the real world. It is 8% faster than the Phison E12 engineering Сравнительная таблица M. HP later brought out its bring out its EX950 to make use of a new . say, the 在2018年CES上,Phison(群联)带来了全新一代高端PCI-E NVMe固态硬盘主控——PS5012-E12,直到近日,他们才真正进行了官宣,对于*级SSD产品来说这是一个新的选择。 PS5012-E12是群联第一款采用28nm新 New Phison firmware increases E12 performance and gets closer to retail availability. Haberler Makaleler ve Rehberler. It's only a matter of time before someone reports back with E12/E12S results to confirm this suspicion. Also from the Phison camp is Kingston's entry-level The SM2262EN is outclassed by several other TLC drives on the mixed sequential I/O test, but it is still clearly within high-end performance territory and is an improvement over the SM2262 drives To be fair, it benchmarks about equal, has better warrantied endurance, and priced lower, than the SM2262 + Micron 64L package that many other vendors are peddling. luid cfr jtsfyd tzhuzy cvczhbs txot jmtjh oarvkjw low tnxhu afdv vopoo zpm lzed cykohj