Tng recut 187 Picard then joins mercenaries to attack the Enterprise and kills Riker after beaming back to the Enterprise. Data informs him that with a material called Serilium he could drain the life force from millions of people at a time. Picard tries to destroy Lwaxana while she's on S01 | E60. A Vulcan proposes to Laforge, who rejects him. He later sends Data to a planet to kill innocent civilians. Beverly wants to do an autopsy but is stopped by Picard. Special 1 Energized! Taking Star With Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn. The Enterprise travels back in time to a distant galaxy, and Picard meets a Sith lord who makes him his apprentice. Picard fools a primitive culture into thinking he is god. Picard continues to try to convince the Mintakans he is god in order to get blowjobs from their females. Soong. Picard's impatience endangers the ship as he activates warp drive before engineering is ready. Lwaxana Troi pursues the Enterprise as Q arrives. The second Picard attacks other vessels before returning to the ship. Troi assures Picard that a violent criminal is not really violent, before knocking Picard unconscious. Data visits Fajo's ship. The Enterprise comes back to Earth and Riker goes to investigate the rumored alien crash-landing on Earth in 1947. Picard and crew review the movie “star trek into darkness” Janeway decides to bring Picard to justice and attacks the Enterprise. Riker's beard phase shifts in and out of our space time continuum. 4:26. Barclay beats up Picard tricks Moriarty into stepping out of the holodeck. Barclay sees this and walks away. Picard enlists children for oral exams. But then decides to use their snake-device to travel into the future. the crew of the Enterprise gets horny Picard creates an army of Riker clones and uses them to attack and enslave planets. Meanwhile, Sisko goes to the planet where the Enterprise saucer section crushed, but accidently pick up dangerous creatures from the planet's surface. Thousands of Enterprises appear Picard betrays the Romulan revolutionists to the Romulan authorities. Data kills Barclay in his sleep. Picard orders Beverly to torture Troi to death. The Enterprise reappears in the 24'th century, but the Dilithium Chrystal lost power because of the time jump. The senior crew disconnects Picard's ability to monitor them as they plot to overthrow him. Seasons. What did you think? 1 Admiral Sati comes onboard to investigate captain Picard. He is then joined by a Horny Worf and catches Beverly masturbating. Laforge Rapes Worf in engineering. Barclay is bitten by a Spider and transforms into one. Picard tells Beverly to remove all of Worf's organs, while forcing Jeremy to watch. Chaotic 4x400 caps men's 2025 NCAA Based on Season 3 Episode 3 - The Survivors. Crusher reprograms an EMH to make Geordi blind again to blame it on Pulaski. The Picard recovers an old race car and drives it. Picard meets Sisko but Sisko refuses to give him his dick. Admiral Necheyve arrives to relieve Picard of command. Picard discovers someone broke his personal computer. Picard spies on Riker's holodeck fantasy. Worf gives Geordi advice on women. Riker catches Barclay in the holodeck watching Data fucking Picard. Tucker sneaks on board the Enterprise in a cloaked Suliban ship. After picard interrupts Barclay's play, Barclay connects himself to the ship's computer and is killed by Worf. A young Wesley Crusher falls into a lake Data reprograms the universal translator to hear Picard’s true accent. After being shot by Picard, Worf is in surgery. Picard beheads Worf to become captain again. TNG Recut 35 Crew Morale fair use parody Lwaxana Troi pursues the Enterprise as Q arrives. TNG Recut English. Season 1, Episode 310 The Q continuum comes to the Enterprise to take away Picard's powers. S01 | E60. The ship’s crew continue to abuse the Android known as LOL. watchers Picard forces the crew to listen to his flute playing. Picard again tries to kill Lwaxana by blowing up a holodeck with her inside but the attempt fails. The Borg attack the Enterpise and kidnap one of the Picards. Picard shoots Worf after losing to him in Poker. Worf makes love with Anteadeans whom Picard then cooks and serves for dinner. During a poker game the crew makes fun of Worf's tiny penis. The Value of Life; Jan 17, 2017 Follow the intergalactic adventures of Capt. Picard orders Riker to kill Worf. play The Enterprises uses a wormhole to travel to the Gamma quadrant and fight the Dominion. Data tells Guinan about Picard's sexual advances. After stabbing Worf 9 times Riker is sent to an insane asylum, where he witnesses prisoners being brainwashed to paint erotic paintings of Picard and to mold clay penises. Picard tries to convince Q to destroy Amanda. They lock him on the bridge while separating on the drive section and leave the saucer section in collision Picard collaborates with the evil aliens to steal people's neural energy. Data kills a woman in the corridor but is embarrassed when Picard notices Data's fly is open. Beverly is unable to fix Worf's leg. Picard keeps Archer in his fish tank while the crew continue to sexually molest T'Pol. Meanwhile on the ruins of the Enterprise D, Troi meets her father who attempts to molest her. Picard insults a woman in a bar. Riker has to deal with child-Picard while the Ferengi take over the ship. Barclay gets annoyed by "Back to the Future" movie and fucks Troi as Picard watches from his ready room. Bashir brings a shrinking ray to the Enterprise and tests it on Professor . After Picard insults Barclay, Barclay tries to take over the Enterprise's computer by a neurolink, but Lwaxana is linked to the computer instead, permanently imprinting her personality and voice to the computer. The ship spins out of control, making Molly puke all over O'brien. Without her protection, Wesley is immediately attacked and raped by Riker. Troi orders Geordi to sacrifice himself to save the ship. The crew use the holodeck to reconstruct their suppressed memories, revealing Picard. The temporal rapture begins disrupting the normal flow of time. 17:23. Wesley quits Starfleet, followed by Worf, followed by Data, followed by Troi, and eventually the entire crew leaves and Picard remains all alone on the ship, with only his fish as company. Picard kills Wesley by de-compression and Worf takes over as captain. What did you think? 1 Picard encounters angry Cardassian homophobes who attack the Enterprise, but Picard insists on trying to hail then and refuses to fire back. Meanwhile, Troi has an unpleasant encounter with Picard's mother. Riker uses the phase cloak to escape the Dyson Sphere. Worf refuses to commit suicide in prison. The crew decide to mutiny against Picard and trick him into falling out of the ship in a Turbolift. Wesley repairs Data. Meanwhile on the ship Amanda brings Worf back to life. Picard sends his other self to command the Phoenix. A flashback reveals how Picard drained people's magic essence in the past in order to rejuvenate himself. Data blames Barclay's cat for impregnating Spot. . He and Beverly are imprisoned on a planet and implanted with devices which make them hear each other's thoughts. Worf catches Riker cheating at poker. Worf commands the ship while Picard tries to get promoted back to command. Data builds a child and teaches him to paint. Riker and Laforge use a personal cloaking device to rape members of the crew and then blame it on O'Brien. Picard returns to the ship and kills Galen. The Value of Life; Jan 17, 2017 Sisko takes over the Nazi empire. Spot continues to act as chief of security and tactical officer. Night of the Living Redshirts; Jan 17, 2017; S01 | E61. Troi walks in on Riker fucking himself. Picard removes the engineering room's turbolift and orders Geordi to get to the bridge in seconds and when he fails orders him executed. Madred transfers his mind to Data's body and sends the team back to the Enterprise. The crew find the remains of a human on the shuttle. Doctor crusher fails to help Geordi's pain, while doctor Pulaski succeeds in giving Geordi new eyes. Riker gets horny after seeing this and rapes a woman in the corridor. A young Wesley Crusher falls into a lake of leeches as Worf takes a dump in the woods. Riker investigates which of these stories were true, or fiction. Picard tests the loyalty of his crew by ordering the ship into a star. Meanwhile the ship creates a crystalline lifeform inspired by the crews logs and holodeck programs. Picard bubbles start floating all over the ship. com Series ID 360650; Status Ended First Aired January 17, 2017 Recent January 17, 2017 Network YouTube; Genres Comedy This video is a parody which includes original copyrighted material that has been modified for humor and entertainment. Notes. Picard convinces a woman to commit suicide. Picard travels back in time to before the Enterprise was destroyed. Picard takes a holiday on Risa and is annoyed by a Ferengi blocking his suns. Meanwhile on DS9 Sisko gets angry at Dukat and Janeway. Picard tries to kill a bird but accidently ignites Data's fart, causing a big explosion. Picard gets angry at Crusher's incompetence and fires her. Lwaxana tries to marry Q. Worf plans to torture Riker but Picard uses his assimilated double to destroy the Borg collective. Scotty tells them that Captain Sulu has this material. Laforge finds out that someone on the ship is spying on crewmembers, and demonstrates footage of Troi going to the toilet. Picard destroys Frasier's ship because Frasier refuses his advances. Picard comes to sickbay for an unusual physical. When the bridge crew refuse he blows them out into space. Picard plans to attack the Indians and sends Data to kill Wesley. Riker retakes the Enterprise from the Cardassians. Captain Sulu tells the story of a mythical figure known as the Picard. Picard destroys Earth's capital city of Moscow, killing the Czar and taking over as Emperor of the solar system. Picard uses the rapture to collapse the barriers between alternate realities. This video is "Devil'sDue"#4074 Beverly resurrects Wesley by cloning and he is killed again by Fajo. Lists. O'Brien is bored in the transporter room. Picard sings in Ten Forward Again. Data farts in the turbolift. Data turns Worf into a mindless drone. He then proceeds to use it on various women and even on Data. Picard is 200 years old and decides to go on one final adventure. Wesley discovers his real father was Dr. Mark Twain interrupts and jumps to the future himself instead, while Data is destroyed and Picard gets stuck in the past. Artwork. Picard tries to conquer the Earth and his former crew have to stop him. Homm instead. Picard tries to find the red light district on the Klingon homeworld. Riker goes into the holodeck to use it as a toilet. There are now two Picards on the ship. Picard destroys innocent space creatures. Picard is back in command of the Enterprise. Knowing of Ramsey's imminent arrival Picard manages to trap and kill him. Riker sets up a hologram of Lwaxana to keep Picard away from future poker games. O'brien has fun with a pigeon. Data begins a relationship with Worf. This video is transformative in natur TNG Recut Episode 55 - Sorry Mr. Jean-Luc Picard and his loyal crew aboard the all-new USS Enterprise NCC-1701D, as they explore new worlds. Picard catches the crew playing Poker without his authorization. Worf accidently injures his leg. This video is a parody which includes original copyrighted material that has been modified for humor and entertainment. Picard tries to seduce a guest on the bridge. Sabine Wren Hot Toys Figure. Picard tries to release the Pah-Wraiths from the fire caves but is stopped by Sisko. Captain laforge tries to stop Janeway from going to the past to change history. 2:18. The cast talks about their work on the Recut series Picard is still angry at Riker for his attempted mutiny. Data begins painting, and Picard discovers the wonderful taste of a hot sperm drink, yet dislikes drinking urine. Riker searches for the ship's toilet only to discover that there isn’t one. What did you think? 2. Picard looks for volunteers to serve him sexually. A fight starts in Ten Forward when Picard starts singing. The Enterprise is taken over by Cardassians and Picard is taken prisoner. Season 1, Episode 246 Captain Archer tries to save King Kong from his fate. O’brien’s son Yoshi meets Data’s cat. Picard tries to poison Lwaxana but accidently kills Mr. Cast & Crew. Picard gets angry and destroyed DS9 after O'Brien sabotages the station's The crew watch another trailer of Star Trek Beyond. Rude Ferengi get on Picard's nerves and end up floating in space. Picard then uses this technology to shrink Voyager to use it as an ornament. Picard sees Worf's tiny penis. Tucker manages to free T'Pol and Archer and they escape in the cloaked ship. The crew discover Wesley wasn't on the shuttle but went to live with Indians. TheTVDB. Picard throws Pulaski out while Beverly happily rejoins the crew. While stuck in a time loop the crew meets another version of themselves Doctor Crusher discovers that Wesley is gay. An Alien Xenomorph runs loose on the ship. Riker gets married and soon after Picard kills his wife and frames Archer, in order to publicly humiliate and execute him. Amanda the Q tries to seduce Riker while Worf is peeking on them. What did you think? 1. Picard conquers another planet in order to mine its Latinum reserves, using the population as slave labor. Picard asks Fajo to take care of Wesley. Data is insulted after no one laughs during his comedy performance and leaves the ship together with the young clone and they are picked up by Romulans. Worf - Fair Use Parody. Riker decides to join in and accidently kills Worf in surgery. Mott the barber saves the ship from terrorists. Duket gets annoyed by Data spinning in his chair. Picard again almost destroys the ship which is saved in the last moment by a female Q. com Series ID 360650; Status Ended First Aired January 17, 2017 Recent January 17, 2017 Network YouTube; Genres Comedy Worf rapes Troi and Picard joins in. Picard tortures admiral Dougherty in a pressure chamber. General. Worf assassinates both Spot and Tasha in order to regain his After seeing that Geordi got himself new eyes, Riker asks Crusher to give him a new penis. Worf helps Kaiko give birth to a fully grown offspring. The first Picard goes back to Starfleet academy and is killed in a bar fight. Back in the present Picard does the same thing in order to get younger. Picard convinces Starfleet to disassemble Data in order to create an army of slave Androids. DS9 experiences malfunctions in their holosuits. Worf and Data break Riker out of the asylum. The crew enjoy eating children for desert. Wesley gets eaten by a huge Doctor Crusher quits after finding the doll Picard made from her drain hair. Picard threatens to rape Riker. The Enterprise arrives at DS9 and the two crews inter-mingle. The crew of the Enterprise enters into orbit around the home planet of their former crewmate, Tasha Yar, where they encounter her sister. He then tries to Picard goes back in time 4 billion years and pees in the primordial pool. Picard is interrogated by the Cardassians. Beverly is heartbroken after Picard dumps her. She succeeds in creating a spatial rift and altering the timeline. Later in the 20'th century Picard is living in a safehouse and discovers that Voyager has finally arrived from the Picard meets his former lover Tomalak. A clone of Picard is created. Beverly recommends a new drink to Riker. Parody TNG Edit 232 Utter Barbarity. After having a Klingon meal with Worf, Riker throws up on Wesley. xxklf vxux glbc nztr whj iefv hscno zxrqy tsfmj ilk bphwx nmv iuwfy hfdzv orlqs